Essential Movies – 1968

As promised/threatened in my spectacular viewer categorization post, I wanted to have a look at what truly classifies as essential. My main point in the post linked above is that ‘essential’ is subjective to the viewer, but if we can roughly classify viewers then we can perhaps distinguish between what is essential for each viewer type, and what is not. Now, this is not scholarly in the slightest, nor is it researched in any way aside from in my own head between 1 and 2 am when I can’t sleep. Take it with as many pinches of salt as you like, and perhaps some vinegar.

Greetings, Glancers! Welcome back to my series of posts examining those movies intelligent people call Essential – and whether the rest of us should agree.  Check out my explanation post for more info, and have a look at my 1968 Oscars posts if you have additional time to waste. Onwards!


Why Is It Considered Essential: Stars Steve McQueen. Has possibly the most famous car chase in movie history, one which has influenced and been parodied. Top five Grossing movie of the year. Won 1 Oscar, nominated for another. Nominated for 5 Baftas. National Film Registry member.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: It’s old. For modern fans of thrillers or action movies, it has a slower pace than what they may be used to. It wasn’t nominated for any of the Big Oscars. The Director isn’t a household name, didn’t have much wider success.

What I Think: Steve McQueen movies are essential to me, and this is one of his most famous. Aside from that, it’s just a great all round movie, one of the best Cop Thrillers of the era, and the pacing is not an issue for me. Essential for Critics and Wannabees due to the above, same for Film Nerds. Generic Film fans should check it out – obviously McQueen fans should see it, Casual fans may only enjoy it if they like McQueen but might get bored waiting around for the car chase.


Why Is It Considered Essential: Top Twenty Grosser. Controversially won the Best Actor Oscar.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: It’s a product of its time, and not very interesting. It feels like one of those movies your teacher would force you to watch for School. Old.

What I Think: If you enjoy Flowers For Algernon, or get all weepy over soppy Romances, you’ll probably like this. Aside from some good performances and a Ravi Shankar Soundtrack, there’s not much. Critics should see it, though I struggle to call it Essential for any other category, unless you’re a fan of the cast.


Why Is It Considered Essential: John Cassavetes directs. One of the prime Hollywood examples of Verite. Gena Rowlands stars. Cassavetes was nominated for Best Screenplay, with Lynn Carlin and Seymour Cassel getting performance nominations. National Film Registry member.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. Black and White. Off-putting directorial and acting styles. Most people would not recognise or care about the cast.

What I Think: Cassavetes movies are more for the serious film adventurer than any of the more casual categories. It’s either this or Woman Under The Influence that most would pick as his best work, and as such the Film Nerd, Critic, and Wannabee may consider this Essential. I can’t see any lower category calling this Essential, outside of Cassavetes fans (who would probably be categorized in one of the higher groups anyway).


Why Is It Considered Essential: Andy Warhol.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. Amateur. Arty. No major stars in the cast, didn’t make much money, didn’t win any awards.

What I Think: It’s one of those films people think is Andy Warhol, but he only produced it. His stamp is all over it of course. I’m not a Warhol fan, and this is only worth watching as a pseudo-idea of what 1960s New York was like. Critics only, with maybe Film Nerds selecting this because of some perceived importance.

Funny Girl

Why Is It Considered Essential: National Film Registry member. William Wyler directs. Barbara Streisand’s breakout performance – she won Best Actress Oscar. It was nominated for 7 other Oscars. Omar Sharif co-stars. It has dialogue and songs people enjoy and reference. Top Grossing Movie of the year

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Barbara Streisand. Musical. I mean, that’s enough for me to ignore it.

What I Think: As far as musicals go, the songs are pretty bad. Streisand’s performance – you can see why people love it and her. Based on the Awards and how iconic certain aspects of the film are, it’s Essential for Critics, Wannabees, and Nerds. Film fans… only if you’re into Musicals or Streisand – same for casuals.


Why Is It Considered Essential: Stars Malcolm McDowell. Palme d’Or winner. Frequently listed as a Top 50 All Time British film.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old and British, with a style and dialogue which may put off non-Brits. British cast which non-Brits likely will not care about. No Oscars or Top Grossing performance.

What I Think: One of Britain’s finest answers to the Counter Culture movement – a much darker, violent, gritty world apart from the flower power and mass protests in the US. One of the great School movies, with strong performances all round. Only Essential though for McDowell fans and Critics or Brits who want to catch up on British Cinema history.

The Lion Of Winter

Why Is It Considered Essential: Stars Peter O’Toole, Katharine Hepburn, Anthony Hopkins. Won Three Oscars out of Seven Nominations. Top 20 Grosser.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. Theatrical. Costume drama.

What I Think: Costume Dramas usually aren’t my thing, though you can’t ignore the strength of the cast, writing, and how delicious it looks. I always say, one Costume Drama is as good or bad as the next, so seen one, seen them all. Unless of course that’s your bag, in which case this is essential. Due to its success, essential for Critics, Wannabees, Film Nerds, not essential for anyone else aside from those Costume fans.

Night Of The Living Dead

Why Is It Considered Essential: National Film Registry member. George A Romero. The first modern Zombie movie. ‘They’re coming to get you, Barbara’.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. Black and White. Lack of gore. Slow burn. No familiar faces. No Awards.

What I Think: I think it’s both one of the most important horror movies ever and one of the most important movies of the 60s. Aside from its importance, it’s a great example of Indie film-making and a fantastic, thought-provoking horror movie. Essential for Horror fans, Critics, Wannabees, Nerds. Film Fans should give it a shot because of how famous it is – most people know the name even if they haven’t seen it. Modern Casuals won’t be interested because of its age, unless they happen to be into horror movies – same with the Careless.


Why Is It Considered Essential: Most successful adaptation of the Dickens novel. Top Five Grossing Movie of the year. ‘Food Glorious Food’. ‘Consider Yourself’. Best Picture Oscar winner, along with five other Oscar wins and ten further nominations. Frequently ranked as one of the best British movies and Musicals ever.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. It’s a Musical. Lack of familiar faces. Who cares about Charles Dickens these days?

What I Think: It’s one of a small handful of musicals I can tolerate, with a batch of ear-worm songs. It’s still a Musical though. To me, it’s much preferable to your typical Romance based Musical, so if you’re going to watch one it may as well be this. Given its Awards, its songs, its legacy, its performance, even a cynic such as me can’t deny how Essential it is. Critics, Wannabees, Nerds have to see it, Musical Fans need to see it, regular Fans and Casuals may get something out of it – though perhaps too much time has passed now and it’s outdated.

Once Upon A Time In The West

Why Is It Considered Essential: National Film Registry member. Sergio Leone. Charles Bronson. Ennio Morricone. Henry Fonda. Claudia Cardinale. Frequently cited as one of the best Westerns, and one of the best Movies ever made.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. Western. Long. A financial flop. Wasn’t nominated for any Oscar. A Western without Clint or Wayne?

What I Think: One of my favourites of this year and in my Top Ten all time Westerns – though it’s not a genre I’m a huge fan of. It took a while for its acclaim to come, but is now rightfully recognised as a classic. Essential for fans of the cast, Leone, and of Westerns, and Essential for Critics, Wannabees, and Nerds.


Why Is It Considered Essential: Richard Lester directs. Julie Christie, George C Scott, Richard Chamerlain star. John Barry scores.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Modern audiences won’t care about the cast or director. It didn’t make any money and wasn’t nominated for any Oscars.

What I Think: It is in every aspect a film about a man and woman having an affair that you’ve seen a hundred times over before, especially if you’re a fan of Soap Operas or any long running TV show. The main difference is the quality of actor. Only Essential if you’re a Critic or a fan of the cast.

Planet Of The Apes

Why Is It Considered Essential: National Film Registry member. Charlton Heston. Statue Of Liberty. You Damn Dirty Ape. 2 Oscar nominations plus an Honorary Win for Make-up. Led to a tonne of sequels and remakes. Top 10 Grossing Movie.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Why watch an old version when there are much more recent, well-received versions?

What I Think: While the recent trilogy was certainly excellent, you should try to watch the original first. I appreciate that it may feel stilted now, and if you already know the twist a lot of the impact is lost. However, the twist is one of Cinema’s most iconic, and along with the cast, the story, and the legacy, it’s Essential for Critics, Nerds, Wannabees, and sci-fi fans. Casuals who enjoyed the recent trilogy may enjoy this if they give it a chance.

Pretty Poison

Why Is It Considered Essential: Critically acclaimed cult film with Anthony Perkins.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. Didn’t win any awards, didn’t make back its small budget. Most people won’t care about the cast or know the director.

What I Think: It has some decent performances and it is funny at times. But it all feels like a Hallmark movie, one of those good girls gone bad types which are a dime a dozen. I don’t see this as being Essential beyond fans of the cast or people catching up on forgotten cult films.

Rachel Rachel

Why Is It Considered Essential: Nominated for Best Picture, Actress, Supporting Actress, Adapted Screenplay. Paul Newman directs.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. It’s not the most exciting film or subject matter, following a lonely 30-something woman who hasn’t really experience anything. Nobody today is going to care about the cast, Newman may direct but he doesn’t star, it didn’t win any of those nominations and many have wondered if they were deserved given some of the other films this year which missed out. It didn’t make much money.

What I Think: It’s a decent film, well acted, but it’s another which feels to me like a TV movie – it isn’t cinematic, it doesn’t have any great style. Essential for Critics and Wannabees, but I’m hard pushed to say anyone else needs to see it.

Romeo And Juliet

Why Is It Considered Essential: Shakespeare. Zeffirelli’s oft-called definitive version. That sad music. Olivia Hussey. Won two Oscars, and was nominated for Best Picture and Director.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: It won two Oscars no-one cares about. It’s Shakespeare. You’ve read the play, you’ve seen any version – you already know what’s going to happen. Each generation will go to whatever version is most culturally relevant to them.

What I Think: It’s not my favourite version, but it might be the best. Performances and music and directing – all sound, other guff like costumes and hair – great, but I can get the same from walking through a Clothes store. There are better Tragedies out there which don’t rely on Shakespeare’s name. Essential for Critics, Wannabees, Nerds. Shakespeare fans too.

Rosemary’s Baby

Why Is It Considered Essential: National Film Registry member. Polanski. Ira Levin. Mia Farrow. John Cassavettes. Ruth Gordon won Best Supporting Actress. Screenplay Nomination. Frequently listed among the best Horror films ever made.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. Black and White. No gore. Slow moving. Few scares.

What I Think: Has a great look and is a good introduction to Godard’s style. Only Godard fans, Critics, Wannabees should consider it Essential, though Film Nerds will want to see what’s up.

Stolen Kisses

Why Is It Considered Essential: Francois Truffaut. A sequel to 400 Blows. Nominated for Best Foreign Film Oscar.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. No big names in the cast. Less influential than 400 Blows. 

What I Think: Most of Truffaut’s films are highly regarded and rated, but given their age and origin they feel like they are viewed more now as learning tools or history rather than for entertainment. Essential for Wannabes and Truffaut fans, I struggle to see this in particular being Essential for nerds as there are other Truffaut films they should get to first and decide from there if they want a deep dive through his other movies. No-one else will care.

The Swimmer

Why Is It Considered Essential: 100% on Rotten Tomatoes. Burt Lancaster. Marvin Hamlisch’s first movie as Composer.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: No-one cares about Burt Lancaster anymore. No other names in the cast, unless people remember Joan Rivers. Didn’t win any awards. Didn’t make much money.

What I Think: They really don’t make ’em like this anymore, outside of someone like Charlie Kaufman. As interesting as the premise is, the execution only works to a point. I don’t see this as Essential for anyone outside of Wannabe Critics, and there’s a hell of a long list to get through before ever reaching this.


Why Is It Considered Essential: Peter Bogdanovich’s first film of note. Boris Karloff’s last film of note. Shocking and controversial for the time and retains social power today.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Old. Gun advocates may not be impressed. No awards, no money, no names in the cast beyond Karloff – who isn’t dressed up in Horror Makeup.

What I Think: A cool niche horror/thriller which is somewhat tame by today’s standards, but when placed in 60s Cinema and even US Culture today it is still prescient. A taut 90 minutes well spent. That being said, there’s not enough star power or cultural significance to rate it as Essential for anyone beyond those Wannabe critics – potentially Film Nerds or Twats of a type would disagree.

The Thomas Crown Affair

Why Is It Considered Essential: Steve McQueen. Faye Dunaway. Norman Jewiston. 2 Oscar noms and 1 win for the famous Windmills Of Your Mind song. Top 20 Grosser.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: It’s the lesser of the big McQueen movies of the year. Some people may go for the remake simply because it’s more recent. Famous for having more style than substance, not universally highly rated.

What I Think: People know the name so it’s still a famous movie, though some of that fame may be attached to the remake. Any Jewiston, McQueen, or Dunaway movie is worth your time, though each has made better. Essential for Wannabes and Nerds, Fans of the cast. Casuals would likely be drawn more to the remake, unless of an age where they remember the 60s.

2001: A Space Odyssey

Why Is It Considered Essential: Stanley Kubrick. Dave. Apes and obelisks. Groundbreaking, Oscar winning visual effects. Moon landing and other urban legends. 4 more Oscar Nominations. Frequently appears on Critics’ Best Movies Ever lists. Including re-releases, the biggest grosser of the year. Its influence on film and culture can’t be understated.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: Emotionally detached. Long. Starts weird and gets weirder. Slow. Critics and audiences were divided at the time between frothing anger, outright dismissal, and heightened praise.

What I Think: Surely one of the most Essential movies ever. You don’t have to like it, but you have to see it to be part of the discussion. Arguably the best movie by the best Director ever. Its cultural significance alone makes it Essential for Wannabes, Nerds, Fans. Casuals, Careless, and Twats will be curious to see it if only to understand the fuss, but if you’re at all interested in Cinema it’s a must see.

Yellow Submarine

Why Is It Considered Essential: You’re already singing the song. The Beatles. Acclaimed and influential.

Why Could It Not Be Considered Essential: It’s not their best movie, they weren’t involved much beyond the soundtrack, the music isn’t great by The Beatles standards, and kids may find it too bizarre. Didn’t make any money.

What I Think: Influential in bringing animation back into the realm of family or adult viewing rather than being specific for kids. Because it’s (kind of) The Beatles, Essential for Beatles fans, Wannabes, Film Nerds. Film Fans should go with A Hard Day’s Night first. Kids may enjoy it with little reference. The Twat will enjoy how kitsch it is. Casuals and Careless will go with Pixar and Dreamworks over this.

Which movies of 1968 would you call Essential? Let us know in the comments!

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